Vorige week kwam er een schokkend gerucht naar buiten, namelijk dat alle Star Wars spin-off films on hold gezet zouden zijn. Hoewel we al snel een update moesten toe voegen van ABC, die claimde uitgevonden te hebben dat het gerucht niet klopte.
"It sounds like this particular rumor permeated because studio space at Pinewood Studios that was reserved for upcoming Star Wars films was recently relinquished. When that happened, it appears people in the some circles at Pinewood also assumed it meant doom and gloom for the Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boba Fett films. Well, after speaking to a few more Pinewood sources, it sounds like there was going to be a movie or a premise along the lines of Mos Eisley Spaceport: A Star Wars Story (not an official title). Crew members of the previous Star Wars film said they believed the other movie was about the spaceport Luke Skywalker goes into the original film. In other words, my sources are saying this movie we never even heard about was canned or postponed and it does not mean the Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boba Fett films are doomed.
To make it extra clear, it sounds like studio space was canceled, people panicked, assumed it meant bad things for the Kenobi and Fett films but it was actually a movie fans never heard of based around Mos Eisley Spaceport that was either canceled or postponed for now. There are sources at Pinewood who thought they were going to be working on a film of exactly that premise and said film was not Kenobi or Boba Fett."
Inmiddels heeft ook ABC zich er verder in verdiept en gesproken met bronnen binnen Lucasfilm. Deze bronnen lieten weten dat de toekomstige spin-off films niet on hold gezet zouden zijn. Sterker nog, er zijn verschillende Star Wars films in ontwikkeling die nog niet eens zijn aangekondigd.