zaterdag 18 juli 2015

Star Wars Aftermath intro onthuld

Het boek: Star Wars Aftermath  gaat een belangrijke rol spelen voor de nieuwe films. Het boek moet namelijk de overbrugging maken tussen Return of the Jedi en The Force Awakens. Of in ieder geval een kleine inleiding. Het boek, geschreven door Chuck Wendig, is één van de verhalen die deze Journey to The Force Awakens moet gaan opvullen. Het boek komt uit op 4 september dit jaar.

Aan het einde van Return of the Jedi zien we verschillende planeten feest vieren. Op Coruscant valt een beeld van Palpatine. Maar de feestvreugde is niet van lange duur. Dit zien we in Aftermath die enkele seconden na die vertoonde beelden begint. Wat voor spannends er dan gebeurd kun je nu al lezen. Entertainment Weekly heeft namelijk nu al een deel online geplaatst. Hieronder kunnen jullie dat lezen. Wie geen Spoilers wilt, lees vooral niet verder.

Chains rattle as they lash the neck of Emperor Palpatine. Ropes follow suit—lassos looping around the statue’s middle. The mad cheers of the crowd as they pull, and pull, and pull. Disappointed groans as the stone fixture refuses to budge. But then someone whips the chains around the back ends of a couple of heavy-gauge speeders, and then engines warble and hum to life—the speeders gun it and again the crowd pulls—
The sound like a giant bone breaking.
A fracture appears at the base of the statue.
More cheering. Yelling. And—
Applause as it comes crashing down.
The head of the statue snaps off, goes rolling and crashing into a fountain. Dark water splashes. The crowd laughs.
And then: The whooping of klaxons. Red lights strobe. Three airspeeders swoop down from the traffic lanes above—Imperial police. Red-and- black helmets. The glow of their lights reflected back in their helmets.
There comes no warning. No demand to stand down.
The laser cannons at the fore of each airspeeder open fire. Red bolts sear the air. The crowd is cut apart. Bodies dropped and stitched with fire.
But still, those gathered are not cowed. They are no longer a crowd. Now they are a mob. They start picking up hunks of the Palpatine statue and lobbing them up at the airspeeders. One of the speeders swings to the side to avoid an incoming chunk of stone—and it bumps another speeder, interrupting its fire. Coruscanti citizens climb up the stone spire behind both speeders—a spire on which are written the Imperial values of order, control, and the rule of law—and begin jumping onto the police cruisers. One helmeted cop is flung from his vehicle. The other crawls out onto the hood of his speeder, opening fire with a pair of blasters—just as a hunk of stone cracks him in the helmet, knocking him to the ground.
The other two airspeeders lift higher and keep firing.

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